Moles are irregular, painless and dark coloured projections which can grow anywhere on your body. Moles are generally non-cancerous. But, an irregularly growing mole which often hurts can be Melanoma, a cancer-causing mole.


How Can We Remove Moles?

Most people have moles in different parts of their bodies. While some are okay with it, others are not. Owing to their sizes and location on the human body, moles can often lower a person’s self-confidence and self-esteem, thereby making them conscious about their appearance.


Home remedies like chuna and picking or pulling the lesion often leads to incomplete removal and cause unsightly  permanent scars and spots.


The best and simplest treatment is to get it removed with the help of a radiofrequency machine or CO2 laser.


Why Dermapoint skin, hair and laser for best mole removal in Gurgaon

• Best technology

• Experienced hands

• Spotless treatment

• Minimum discomfort to the patient

• Minimum risk of recurrence


A small amount of risk of recurrence is always there in warts. Dr Shuchi Singla also has experience of treating many patients with extensive recurrent warts with newer techniques like immunotherapy and bleomycin injections successfully so that they do not occur again and again.