Acne is a skin condition that often mostly affects teenagers and younger adults, in which follicles become clogged with oil, dust, debris, and dead skin cells. It is necessary to seek expert advice when you have acne, as they later cause damage to the skin and form dark acne scars. Acne mostly affects individuals between 14 to 30 years of age, and the most common cause is hormonal imbalance, genetics, pollution, stress, and poor lifestyle. Acne has a great impact on one’s public life, and as this condition affects the appearance, it also lowers self-confidence. 


The condition of acne is also seen according to age, some of which are as follows:

  • Hormonal acne
  • Adult acne
  • Acne resistant or tainted case

Timely treatment of acne with an experienced dermatologist is a must. One must refrain from using over the counter creams and home remedies which generally make the things worse.


At Dermapoint we believe in providing you with the best acne treatment in gurgaon under the supervision of the best dermatologist who has plenty of experience in treating thousands of acne patients successfully with inexpensive medicines and lifestyle modifications.